If you want to create a better impression on the internet you may want to consider business email hosting. With email hosting, you can have email addresses which use your company’s domain name rather than an ISP or free email hosting site.
Sending an email to info@mycompany.ie instils more confidence in potential clients than mycompany@gmail.com. Also, if you link your email accounts to your domain name, then your email address will never have to change because it will follow you no matter which company you actually host your mail with, as long as you keep your domain name registration current.
With your own email hosting you can set up different accounts for each of your staff or have specialised accounts to target different areas of your company: info@, sales@, accounts@, etc.
iSeek Email Hosting offers you:
- Up to as many as 1000 email accounts (Enterprise plan)
- Auto-responders
- Mail Forwarding
- Anti-Spam Filters
- Anti-Virus Software
- Webmail
- Unlimited Email Support
Let’s chat about it!
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