Moving website hosting isn’t difficult and many people can do it themselves. However, it can be difficult to know where to begin when exploring moving your hosting provider and the steps involved. Here at iSeek, we can make the move simple and straightforward. Each process can differ per migration due to various specifications such as wherew you’re moving from, the size of the website amongst other things.
If you are timing your move with an account expiring, we recommend that you start the process a couple of weeks before the expiration. It probably won’t take that long but it will give you time to make sure everything is in order before your current hosting ceases to function.
If you are moving your hosting to iSeek we can quote you on performing any part of the process for you if you are unsure or don’t feel comfortable. We like to give our clients as much independence as they want, but we are never far away if you require some extra attention.
Hosting a site and domain registration are separate things and it is possible to have your domain registered through one company but have your website hosted with a different company.
Let’s chat about it!
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